

Activity Classes

Learning and acquiring skills is rapidly shifting from the four walls of classrooms. Co - scholastic activities not only groom the inherent talent of the children but also give them an extra edge and confidence.

Student’s talent and skill is identified by teachers and supported by parents to bring out the best they are capable of. The school activity hour is optimally utilized for the development of hobbies, expert sports coaching and extra academic help. Thus, the family is able to spend quality time at home.

At SPS Dwarka Dham, the Activity Classes are designed systematically so that Sagarites can perform and excel in vocational courses also.

Interdisciplinary Activities

Interdisciplinary activities have been introduced in the school to give the students a wide and broad knowledge of a particular topic through various activities and assignments in different subjects. The activities help to dissolve the boundaries between areas of study in order to encourage learning across the curriculum.

Through this method of teaching, students develop a Constructivist Approach to learning which improves overall understanding as they receive a more relevant, timely, less fragmented and enriching learning experience.

Cooperative Learning

We hope to create a less stressful transition and a more hospitable, welcoming atmosphere at SPS by assisting new students and teachers in adapting to our culture, values and environment. The buddy helps the new member to get accustomed to the Sagar family with ease and comfort.

Educational Trip

Educational trips are a time-honored tradition in most schools. The students love them. Educational trips give them a chance to get out of the classroom and experience something new. One of the biggest advantages of educational trips is that they allow students to have a real-world experience. These experiences clearly illustrate and enhance information taught by the curriculum. For youngsters to get the most out of their abilities, they sometimes have to leave the boundaries of the classroom and experience a wide range of challenges and activities that go above and beyond what they usually learn. Educational trips help young people broaden their horizons and learn new skills, improve their team-building skills, find a healthier way of life, and even conquer their fears.

We at SPS facilitate Educational Trips for all the classes. The venues are interlinked with the curriculum. The purpose is essentially to educate the children and learn life skills

Go Green

We hope to develop eco-related activities to bring into focus the belief of sustainability down to the smallest child. We hope, this will impart a spirit of volunteerism and a lesson in community service to senior children who could help sustain say, a locality.

Children learn energy conservation at an early age when they see their teachers systematically switching off fans and lights upon leaving the classroom. Moreover considerable amount of paper is saved by the use of the electronic mode for sending out messages, work sheets, lesson plans, helping us reduce our carbon footprints.

Our children are protests against fireworks over Diwali. This seems to have lead to a sizable reduction in air and noise pollution in the neighbourhood. Students are encouraged to plant trees in their locality with green cover

Community Service

Young students at the school understand their bigger responsibility towards the Community, Society, and the Nation as whole through various social welfare activities throughout the year. Students indulge in Shramdaan, Bhandaara, Donations and Visiting Old age Homes etc. This develops a sense of sympathy and gratitude among young minds.

Sagar Public School is not only shaping the little brains to achieve their endeavours but is also inculcating the ethical values by the grand initiative FISTFUL OF HAPPINESS. It is initiated by the SAGAR GROUP to offer helping hands to the needy people who are unable to have two squares of meal a day. Children participated to collect grains under the programme wholeheartedly.