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Inter-House Judo Competition

The purpose of Judo is to perfect oneself and contribute something of value to the world The school held its eagerly awaited Inter-House Judo Competition on July 24, 2024. The event showcased the skills and dedication of students who had been meticulously trained over the past months. The competition was organized based on weight categories, ensuring fair and balanced matchups among the participants. Students from all four houses—Aryabhat, Bhaskar, Pratham, and Rohini—competed with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. The event concluded with remarkable victories for Aryabhat House and Rohini House, whose students demonstrated exceptional prowess and determination. Pratham House also put up a commendable performance, securing the position of runners-up. In a grand closing ceremony, the winners were awarded the coveted trophy, celebrating their hard work and achievements. The competition not only highlighted the students’ athletic talents but also fostered a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition among the houses.

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Turn Shapes into Imagination

“Imagination transforms simple shapes into extraordinary vision “ Shape your imagination a class- based activity was organised at SPS Dwarka Dham on July 24, 2024 for the students of Nursery to Kg II. During the activity, children learned about different shapes and used cutouts to create beautiful pictures of caterpillar, houses, and more. Overall, it was a valuable and engaging learning experience for young sagarities.

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Story Time for our young Sagarites

Stories are doors to amazing adventures, waiting to be opened As splendid Saturday arrives with Story Time for our young Sagarites at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, the Pre-Primary teachers depicted the classic tale of The Three Little Pigs, which emphasises the value of hard work and preparation. The third pig's secured brick house symbolises the benefits of taking the time to do things right, while the flimsy houses of the first two pigs represent the consequences of laziness and shortcuts. The young minds not only enjoyed the story but also took away valuable lessons for life.

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सागर पब्लिक स्कूल द्वारका धाम के प्रांगण में दिनांक 15/7/24 को वृक्षारोपण का कार्यकम संपन्न हुआ। विशेष अतिथि के तौर पर पुलिस आयुक्त यातायात नगरीय पुलिस भोपाल, माननीय श्री संजय सिंह जी ने अपनी टीम के साथ उपस्थित थे। अतिरिक्त पुलिस आयुक्त यातायात ज़ोन-3 एवं 4 नगरीय पुलिस भोपाल, श्री बसंत कुमार कौल एवं सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त यातायात ज़ोन-4 नगरीय पुलिस भोपाल, श्री विजय कुमार दुबे भी इनके साथ शामिल हुए। विद्यालय की ओर से प्राचार्य श्रीमती आरती खिल्लन, शिक्षकगण एवं बड़ी संख्या में विद्यार्थियों ने अति उत्साह और प्रसन्नता के साथ वृक्षारोपण किया। प्राचार्य महोदया ने स्मृति चिह्न देकर इनका सम्मान किया। इस अवसर पर श्री संजय सिंह जी छात्रों को वृक्षों की महत्ता तथा आवश्यकता बताते हुए बोले कि पेड़ लगाना और उसकी रक्षा करके उसे बड़ा करना हमारा कर्तव्य है। पेड़ हमारे लिए अनमोल हैं। उन्होनें छात्रों को पेड़ो की सुरक्षा करने का संकल्प भी दिलाया। उन्होनें यातायात के नियमों का अक्षरशः पालन करने पर विशेष जोर देते हुए कहा कि हमें वाहन चलाते समय हेलमेट पहनना चाहिए, सीट बेल्ट लगाना चाहिए, नशा करके वाहन नहीं चलाना चाहिए,मोबाइल का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए, सिग्नल नहीं तोड़ना चाहिए। निर्धारित गति से तेज वाहन नहीं चलना चाहिए। विद्यार्थियों की कर्तव्यनिष्ठा देख कर वे अत्यंत प्रसन्न हुए और उन्होनें विद्यालय की प्रशंसा की एवं शुभकामनाएँ प्रेषित की।

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Inter-House Table Tennis competition

Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months, and years they spend preparing for it This spirit was vividly brought to life at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham during the much-awaited Inter-House Table Tennis competition. The four houses-Aryabhat, Bhaskar, Pratham, and Rohini-battled through intense matches to claim glory on the table. All the teams displayed unwavering focus and sportsmanship, thrilling the audience with their lightning-fast rallies and strategic plays. In the end, the victorious teams emerged with determination and teamwork, showcasing not only their athletic prowess but also reinforcing the values of teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship.

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Inter House Folk Song Competition

Through the melodies of our heritage, we connect with our roots and celebrate the diverse cultural tapestry of our land The school hosted a vibrant Inter House Folk Song Competition. The theme for the event was a celebration of India's rich cultural heritage through folk songs, with each house presenting traditional music from different regions of the country. Aaryabhatt House was the first to take the stage, presenting "Aapno Gujarati." Their performance was a celebration of the lively and vibrant culture of Gujarat. Bhaskar House followed with "Shonar Bangla" a tribute to the folk music of Bengal. Their performance featured a seamless blend of fluid and melodious tunes. Pratham House honoured the folk traditions of Maharashtra with "Aamcha Maharashtra." The performance was marked by its high-energy rhythms and dramatic staging. Rohini House concluded the competition with "Rangeelo Rajasthan" a stirring tribute to the folk music of Rajasthan. Their songs highlighted the colourful and exuberant traditions of the desert state. Esteemed judge Tapas Guha, a renowned music composer, praised the students for their exceptional performances and creativity. He remarked on the seamless blend of artistic expression and thematic representation, noting that the event truly honoured the spirit of India's cultural heritage through the rich tapestry of its folk music traditions.

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Sagarites at the 10th M.P. State Sub Junior Kurash Competition (2024-25)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. We are elated to share the success of our Sagarites at the 10th M.P. State Sub Junior Kurash Competition (2024-25), held on July 6 & 7, 2024, organized by the Bhopal District Kurash Association. ???? Medals won: - Mansi Tripathi, IX B Silver Medal ???? - Sughra Batool, IX A Silver Medal ???? - Pranav Sahu, VIII A Bronze Medal ???? Keep shining, Sagarites! ????

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Storytelling: "I Am Special"

"The best stories are the ones that stays with you forever." Stories are a cornerstone of pre-primary education. But for young children, simply reading words on a page isn't enough. Pre-primary teachers became storytellers and depicted a wonderful story "I Am Special" where students learnt that everyone is special in their own ways and embrace their uniqueness. To embibe the value of respect towards each other. The story was concluded by singing the melodious song ???? "I am special, so are you."

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The English Poem Recitation Competition

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning." On 3rd July, 2024 The English Poem Recitation Competition was to encourage students to explore the beauty of poetry, enhance their oratory skills, and boost their confidence in public speaking. The event saw enthusiastic participation from Nursery to Class Il. The recited the poem of their choice with great enthusiasm. The judge for event Ms.Binaiffer, a successful businesswoman and a content writer, was elated to see the performances. The English Poem Recitation Competition was a resounding success, leaving both participants and the audience inspired and eager for future literary events

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World Nature Conservation Day

Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Class VIII A presented a compelling class assembly on the theme-World Nature Conservation Day, aiming to raise awareness about the conservation of natural resources. Through a beautifully crafted mime act, they powerfully illustrated the rampant wastage of natural resources. Their performance resonated deeply, effectively conveying the urgent message of conservation and sustainability.

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3rd Foundation Day and Investiture Ceremony

"A leader's job is not to do the work for others, but to help others do their work better." Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, celebrated its third Foundation Day and Investiture Ceremony on July 1, 2024, with great zeal and enthusiasm. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of IPS Priyanka Shukla, DCP, Bhopal zone, as the Chief Guest. The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the lamp, followed by a mesmerising cultural programme showcasing the talents of the students. The highlight of the event was the investiture ceremony, where the newly appointed student council members were conferred with badges and sashes, entrusting them with the responsibility of leading their peers. IPS Priyanka Shukla, in her inspiring address, emphasised the importance of leadership, teamwork, and empowerment. She encouraged the Sagarites to embrace their roles and responsibilities, and to strive for excellence, not only for personal growth but also to uplift those around them.

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Vibrant Colouring Competition

"A Burst of Colours: fostering a Love for Art and creativity in our budding Picassos!" Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham buzzed with excitement today as our young artists showcased their talent in a vibrant Colouring Competition. Children, from Nursery to Class II, participated with immense enthusiasm, filling the room with a kaleidoscope of colours. Dynamic Sagarites, with their unique creativity, brought these pictures to life using a wide range of colours. It was a delight to see their focus, concentration, and sheer joy as they coloured. More than just a competition, the event aimed to nurture the children's love for colours, develop their fine motor skills, and boost their self-confidence.

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Inter House Yoga Competition

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." — The Bhagavad Gita The school hosted an Inter House Yoga Competition, judged by renowned yoga expert Mr. Pawan Verma. The event saw enthusiastic participation from the four houses: Aryabhatta, Rohini, Bhaskar, and Pratham. Each house presented a series of yoga performances, displaying their skill, coordination, and dedication to the practice. The competition was intense, with each team striving to outdo the others. Following the displays by the four houses, Mr. Verma gave a special yoga demonstration. He showcased advanced asanas and provided valuable insights into the benefits of yoga. His demonstration was both inspiring and educational, setting a high standard for the participants. The event was a great learning experience for all the students, who not only competed but also gained a deeper understanding of yoga.

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Health and Hygiene for a Girl Child

"The strength of a Nation lies in the education and empowerment of its girls!" Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham held a crucial session on "Health and Hygiene for a Girl Child" targeting girls from classes 6 to 9, conducted by student counselor Priyanka Tiwari on April 25, 2024. The session fostered an environment encouraging girls to freely discuss their concerns and seek assistance as needed. Essential information was adeptly provided empowering the students with practical knowledge and guidance. This initiative not only addresses a critical aspect of female health but also promotes a supportive atmosphere for girls to feel comfortable and informed about their bodies. Sagar Public School's proactive approach to girls' health and hygiene education reflects its commitment to holistic student well-being and empowerment.

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"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" The introductory PTM at the school marked a significant moment for parents, teachers, and the entire school community to come together and strengthen their bond. Parents had the chance to sit down with teachers, discussing their child's progress academically and in their extracurricular activities. To make the gathering more interactive, the PTM featured parent engaging activities like "Beat the Heat, Mocktail and Salad Making" competitions. These activities not only added excitement to the event but also helped everyone feel closer and more connected, celebrating not just their culinary skills but also the power of teamwork and unity that made the entire event so special.

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English Day Celebration

Language is the key that unlocks the treasure of literature, reveling the beauty of the human experience. Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, embraced the essence of language and literature on April 24, 2024, as it celebrated English Day with a theme- Whispers of Nature, celebrating the renowned playwright and poet Oscar Wilde. The tale of "The Selfish Giant" served as a poignant reminder that even the coldest of hearts can be thawed through acts of friendship and love. Following the story play, the audience was treated to a thought-provoking "Rendezuous with Oscar Wilde" where students explored the life and legacy of the iconic writer. Through insightful discussions and engaging presentations, they highlighted Wilde's timeless themes of love, friendship, and redemption. The English Day celebration at school not only showcased the creative talents of the students but also instilled in them the importance of empathy and kindness in today's world.

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Inter House Athletic Meet

"Excellence is not being the best, it is doing your best." In the vibrant setting of Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, the Inter House Athletic Meet unfolded with a display of remarkable sportsmanship. Participants from different houses competed fiercely in the long jump category, each striving to give their best performance. Their achievements not only brought glory to their respective houses but also served as an inspiration to their peers. This event was more than just a competition; it was a celebration of dedication, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence. As the participants leaped towards their goals, they embodied the true spirit of sportsmanship.

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Class III Orientation for the parents

"A collaborative and cooperative partnership between parents and teachers help the children in achieving their highest potential." An orientation for the parents of class III was organised at SPS Dwarka Dham, Bhopal on Tuesday, 23rd April 2024. This orientation aimed to make the transition from class II to class III smooth and enjoyable. Principal Ms. Arti Khillan welcomed the parents and Section Supervisor Dr. Arshi Gouhar explained the systems, policies and the assessment pattern. An open house was organised to address the parent's queries and to take their feedbacks. Presence of Parents make it a fruitful orientation.

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Japanese Encephalitis vaccination campaign

Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. The Japanese Encephalitis vaccination campaign commenced on 20th April,2024 successfully at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, Bhopal. The initiative aims to vaccinate students from nursery to ninth grade against Japanese Encephalitis, a potentially fatal disease. The campaign kicked off under the guidance of Mrs. Arti Khillan and Administration team. The campaign took place to emphasize the importance of immunization in safeguarding children's health. A total of 400 students were vaccinated in a single day, indicating the campaign’s success. Furthermore, it emphasized the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, highlighting its widespread use across various states also reassured parents that the vaccine is provided free of cost by the government and carries no adverse side effects. The day marks the successful implementation of the vaccination campaign and underscores the importance of collective action in combating public health challenges.

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ध्रुव तारा

सागर पब्लिक स्कूल द्वारका धाम में आज 23/4/2024 में “ध्रुव तारा " से संबंधित ज्ञानवर्धक प्रार्थना सभा का आयोजन किया गया । प्रतिभागी छात्रों ने नाटक के माध्यम से पौराणिक कथा को प्रस्तुत किया । हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं में ध्रुव तारा की कथा बेहद लोकप्रिय है। उस बहादुर बच्चे की कहानी जिसे अपने पिता के प्यार तक पहुंचने से वंचित कर दिया गया था, उसने तपस्या के माध्यम से भगवान नारायण को प्रसन्न करके उनसे वर प्राप्त किया। दृढ़ संकल्पित होने का महत्व. ईश्वर पर विश्वास रखने से आपकी सभी परेशानियां दूर हो सकती हैं। भगवान विष्णु ने कहा कि मैं तुम्हारी भक्ति से प्रसन्न होकर तुम्हें वह लोक प्रदान करता हूं, जिसके चारों ओर ज्योतिष चक्कर घूमता है और जिसके आधार पर सब ग्रह-नक्षत्र घूमते हैं. इसी तरह ध्रुव भगवान विष्णु के प्रिय भक्त कहलाए और सप्त ऋषि मंडल में ध्रुव तारे के नाम से जाने जाते हैं.

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ASPIRE SESSION - Public Speaking

Surround yourself with those who inspire you, their light will illuminate your path to greatness. Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, organised an Aspire Session featuring Ms. Mani Saxena, Director -Genius Kids, and SuperC, a bestselling author and renowned international educator. During the session, Ms. Saxena graciously imparted her valuable insights to the young Sagarites, offering them guidance on how to cultivate confidence as public speakers. Moreover, she generously shared her experiences from the G20 Summit, enlightening the students about the critical discussions on topics such as climate change and sustainable development. Her wisdom served to enrich their understanding of how global collaboration can contribute to making the world a better place to inhabit.

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Say Yes to Fruits

Eat fruits to lead a healthy and fruitful life The introduction of fruits was taken to create awareness among children about the importance of fruits for good health. Children were involved in an array of activities including colouring, games , and recognizing through flashcards/real ones. children learned the fruit songs with great zest and enthusiasm. Each day was dedicated to different fruit activities. Children relished yummy fresh fruit salad along with their friends. All the children were found positive on the fact that fruits are better than junk Food.

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DEAR day

DROP EVERYTHING AND READ April 12, known as DEAR day! DEAR stands for "Drop Everything And Read", a national month-long celebration of reading designed to remind folks of all ages to make reading a priority activity in their lives. It is also Beverley Clearly's Birthday. Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. Inculcating the habit of reading is a journey of enlightenment, and it was a joyous occasion at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham as they celebrated DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Day. The day commenced with a mesmerizing assembly presentation, where young Sagarites embodied the greatest writers of all time, emphasizing the profound importance of reading. Following this inspiring start, a plethora of engaging activities unfolded, igniting the love for literature among the students. From immersive storytelling sessions to interactive book discussions, the day was a testament to the power of words to shape minds and hearts.

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World Health Day

On 10.04.24 World Health Day, Class 9A organized an enlightening assembly centered around the theme of linking global health with environmental well-being. The assembly aimed to highlight the vital connection between human health and the health of our planet.The significance of World Health Day in promoting awareness about health issues worldwide. They underscored the importance of recognizing how environmental factors significantly impact public health outcomes. The assembly concluded with a call to action, urging everyone to take steps towards promoting environmental health and adopting sustainable living practices. Class 9A demonstrated a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between human health and the environment, highlighting the importance of collective action also inspiring their peers to prioritize both personal well-being and environmental stewardship for a healthier future.

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Empowering skills ; SPS DD Summer camp 2024

Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, hosted a vibrant mini summer camp from March 14th to March 30th, 2024. With over 230 students from classes I to IX, alongside parents and friends, the camp was a dynamic platform for skill-building and fun. From artistic showcases to invigorating Zumba sessions, each day was filled with laughter and learning. As the camp concluded, cherished memories were forged, embodying the spirit of joy and exploration that defines childhood summers. The camp's success resonated in the smiles of participants, reflecting the invaluable experiences gained.

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My Inspiration Activity

My Inspiration Activity was conducted on Wednesday 17th January, 2024 at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham, Bhopal for classes III to V. Children actively participated in this activity and enthusiastically made posters on their inspirations. Their inspirations included scientists, teachers, doctors and also few animated cartoon characters. The purpose behind this activity was to understand the different ways to serve the society and humanity. Children enjoyed this activity.

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The counseling session 23-24

On January 17, 2024, Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, hosted a counseling session aimed at nurturing the academic and personal growth of students in classes VI, VII, and VIII. Dr. Indu Singh, a seasoned counselor, led the session with an inspiring theme: "Stay Focused to Achieve Your Goals." During the interactive session, students engaged wholeheartedly, seeking guidance on various aspects of their academic journey. Dr. Singh's expertise in addressing their concerns fostered an environment of trust and encouragement. The counseling session covered topics such as effective time management, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a balance between academics and personal well-being. Dr. Singh emphasized the importance of staying focused on long-term objectives while appreciating the value of each small accomplishment. Students actively participated, posing insightful questions that ranged from managing exam stress to strategies for effective study habits. Dr. Singh's responses were enlightening, providing practical solutions and instilling a sense of motivation among the students. The counseling initiative at Sagar Public School proved to be a significant step towards shaping resilient, focused, and goal-oriented individuals.

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Object Talk Activity

Sagar Public school, Dwarka Dham organized an Object Talk Activity on 17th Jan,2024 to strengthen the verbal skills and to foster public speaking competency of the young minds. The students from Nur to class II participated in this activity which helped them to build their self-confidence and self-esteem. It enabled them to improve their descriptive skills by communicating feelings, thoughts and emotions with words. Nur- KG-II students were informed to bring any object of their choice. They were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn to show and tell whereas students of classes I and II had impromptu talk where they spoke on any random object. It goes without saying that student's involvement in individual activity infuse in their originality. It was an interesting and thrilling experience for the kids sharing their feelings with peers which provided a fun and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved.

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"Children are the Priority. Change is the Reality Collaboration in the Strategy" The PTM is a great way to open a two-way communication between the parents and the teacher. Keeping this in mind Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham organised the Fouth Parent Teacher Meeting of the session 2023–24 for classes Nursery to VIII was held on January 13, 2024. During the PTM class teachers got the opportunity to interact with the parents and share the comprehensive feedback with the aim to bring out the best in the child. The parents were quite delighted to go through various activities done by the students showcased through a Power Point presentation. They were quite satisfied with the progress of their wards and appreciated the efforts collectively made by the school and the teachers towards the holistic development of their child. Overall, it was a positive and a fruitful interaction for both the teachers and the parents.

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Sagar Khel Utsav 23-24

Get ready for an adrenaline-packed extravaganza! Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham proudly presents, '*Sagar Khel Utsav' - a spectacular celebration of sports and excitement! Join us for a day filled with thrilling moments, showcasing your athletic prowess in Football, Basketball, Skating, Badminton, Table Tennis, Shot Put, Athletics, and more!! Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 13, 2024*, and be a part of the electrifying atmosphere at the school premises. Don't miss out on the action – let the games begin!

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Vegetable Printing

Our young Sagarites of class KG I had fun with vegetable and colours by doing vegetable printing on their old t-shirts to revamp them into colourful art. The t- shirts looked beautiful and our tiny tots were proud of their work. The children were not only made aware of different vegetables but also amazing designs and patterns that can be created from it. The students took their t-shirts back with big smile on their face.

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'Eco-Drive' a part of 'Joy of Giving.'

"Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give." In the pursuit of a greener tomorrow, the Class 7 students at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, Bhopal, actively embraced an 'Eco-Drive'. As part of a 'Joy of Giving' initiative, they distributed saplings, not merely organizing an event but actively participating in fostering environmental awareness. Their dedication not only nurtures a sense of environmental responsibility but also underscores their commitment to giving back. This event is a poignant testament to their unwavering resolve to make a positive impact on both the local community and the environment.

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"Winter winds" activity for young Sagarites

To keep the spirit of the season alive Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham conducted "Winter winds" activity for young Sagarites of classes Nursery to II. Children were made aware about how to keep themselves warm during winters. The children were also informed about the food we eat and clothes we wear during winter season. Students enjoyed craft activity as well. The activity was culminated with a procession and Zumba session outdoors to enjoy the winter winds.

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The kite making activity

The kite making activity was organized at Sagar Public Schol, Dwarka Dham for classes 3 to 5. This activity aimed to promote creativity, teamwork and cultural engagement among students. The objective of the activity was also to provide students with a hands-on experience in crafting their kites while fostering teamwork and creativity. The students participated enthusiastically in the activity and made beautiful kites.

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Second Annual Sports Meet

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham celebrated its second Annual Sports Meet, a day filled with enthusiasm and sportsmanship. The event was graced by Mr. Ram Kumar Khilrani, Secretary, Bhopal Swimming Association. The day commenced with impeccable March Past by all four houses followed by various competitions, showcasing the diverse talents of the young athletes. Medals and certificates were awarded to the deserving winners, recognizing their efforts and achievements in their respective categories. A moment of pride unfolded as Gagan Thakur from class VIII and Harkeerat Kaur from class VII were honoured with the Best Athlete Award, acknowledging their outstanding performance and dedication to sports. Rohini House emerged triumphant, clinching the Overall Championship, a testament to the collective excellence and teamwork displayed by its members. The chief guest, Mr. Ram Kumar Khilrani, lauded the collaborative efforts and guidance provided by the Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham team and congratulated Sagarites for a commendable show.

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First Prize in the Carol Singnig

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham bagged the First Prize in the Carol Singing Competition held on December 21, 2023, at St. George International School, thus showcasing their musical prowess and dedication.

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Spirit of Mathematics Day

Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, embraced the spirit of Mathematics Day on December 20, 2023, to honour the legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan. The day unfolded with diverse activities planned to stimulate interest and understanding in mathematics. The enlightening assembly in the school's auditorium set the stage for the celebration, aiming to instil a love for mathematics among the students. From a Mathematics Relay Race for Class I to a Quiz on Aptitude and Logical Reasoning for Classes VI to VIII, each activity engaged students in different facets of mathematical exploration. By combining education with enjoyment, the school sought to inspire a lifelong passion for mathematics. Students also showcased their analytical skills by solving case study questions and presenting their findings, adding a practical dimension to their mathematical learning.

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Origami Paper Art

Origami helps in the growth and development of children as it is the key for better concentration, patience and problem solving. To nurture the creativity of our young Sagarites an Origami Activity was organised for the classes Nursery to 2 on the theme of Christmas. Trailblazers of Nursery to KG II made Christmas Tree and Santa Caps were made by classes 1 and 2 . The activity enhanced the artistic skills of our children and proved to be a great learning experience for them.

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National Symbols of India

"National Symbols are pride and honour of our nation." The young sagarites of class KGIIB presented a wonderful class assembly on 15th December 2023 on the topic of National Symbols of India. The main purpose of this assembly was to make children aware of our National Symbols. Students dressed up as National Symbols like - Peacock, Tiger, Mango, Dolphin, Tiranga, Pumpkin, Hockey, Banyan tree and Lotus. Students spoke confidently and concluded the assembly with a melodious song.

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Educational Trip to Manav Sanghralaya

" Holistic Education is learning beyond the classrooms and gaining life experiences" With an endeavour of promoting holistic education, Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham organised an educational trip to Manav Sanghralaya. The aim of this trip was to enhance the students' understanding of cultural heritage, history, and natural sciences. Students explored exhibits showcasing artifacts and cultural heritage, gaining insights into the rich history of our region. Throughout the trip, students exhibited high levels of engagement and maintained exemplary behavior, reflecting their respect for the exhibits. The educational trip of our school successfully bridged theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, creating a dynamic learning environment and also providing a platform for holistic development.

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Transportation is the center of the world!

"Transportation is the center of the world!" To make children aware of different Means of Transport a wonderful activity was organised where pre-primary children learnt about land, water and air transport by experiencing it themselves. Students enthusiastically participated in the activity.

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Colours are the smiles of nature.

"Colours are the smiles of nature." To spread the colours of happiness all around, Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham organised Paint Your Imagination Competition for young Sagarites of class Nursery to II with the aim to let children give image to their imagination and encourage them to soar high. Sagarites participated with full zeal and gusto.

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A Symphony of Gratitude 2nd Annual Function

Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, Bhopal, presented its second Annual Fest on November 25, 2023, centered on the theme A Symphony of Gratitude - An ode to Mother Earth. The programme was inspirational and uplifting, reflecting Sagarites' gratitude through their imagination and creativity, connecting it with nature and the environment, instilling a sense of duty towards them in the audience. The occasion was graced by the benign presence of Professor Amitabh Pande, Director, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sanghralay, Bhopal. Professor Pande applauded the school's comprehensive education, acknowledging efforts in shaping responsible citizens by instilling values along with knowledge. Sagarites' presentations expressed appreciation for nature, emphasizing environmental responsibility. 'Euphoria' highlighted harmonious coexistence, while 'Bountiful Blessings' connected gratitude with Indian festivals. Elements like water's fluidity, fire's passion, Chandrayaan-3's success, post-COVID-19 cleanliness, and tree planting were creatively portrayed. In the grand finale, Sagarites associated the '5 Rs' with nature, aligning each with virtues like compassion and responsibility. Principal Ms Aarti Khillan presented the school's Annual Report, showcasing Sagarites' remarkable achievements. Her address emphasized how the school nurtures talents, enabling students to embody virtues, knowledge, and skills. The event was a resounding success, leaving an indelible mark on the audience.

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।।दीपोत्सव का पर्व दीपावली।।

सुमन बृष्टि नभ संकुल भवन चले सुखकंद। चढ़ी अटारिन्ह देखहिं नगर नारि नर बृंद ॥ आज दिनांक 9/ 11 /2023 को सागर पब्लिक स्कूल द्वारका धाम में दीपावली के शुभ अवसर पर दीपोत्सव का आयोजन किया गया। इस अवसर पर नन्हे- मुन्ने बच्चों के द्वारा रामलीला नाटक का मंचन कर भगवान राम के जीवन चरित्र और अयोध्या वापस आगमन की झांकी प्रस्तुत की गई। इस पावन अवसर पर विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या महोदया ने दीप प्रज्ज्वलित कर कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ किया। बच्चों ने बड़े हर्षोल्लास के साथ दीप जलाकर भगवान राम के आगमन की खुशियां मनाई। साथ ही संगीत एवं नृत्य के माध्यम से रंगारंग कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किया। तत्पश्चात् भगवान राम दरबार की झांकी प्रस्तुत की गई।

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Sagar Utsav

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham's 'Sagar Utsav' was a resounding success, bringing families and friends of the Sagarites together for a memorable evening filled with a variety of activities. The event featured Fireless Cooking, A Ramp Walk with Bestie Competition, Dance Competition, Flower Rangoli, Diya Decoration, and Water Sports that catered to people of all ages. The atmosphere was filled with a festive spirit as students, parents, and friends came dressed in beautiful outfits, strengthening the bond between them through active participation in these activities. The Planetarium, which was one of the major attractions, garnered significant attention and captivated the visitors with its immersive celestial experiences. With the overwhelming participation and vibrant atmosphere, epitomizing the importance of family and connect, it was a grand success that left everyone looking forward to the next Sagar Utsav.

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Inter House Football Competition 2023

Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham's Inter House Football Competition 2023 was a testament to the vibrant spirit of sportsmanship and athleticism. Rohini House secured a thrilling 2-1 victory against Pratham House in the first match, demonstrating exceptional determination. In the second match, Aryabhatt House exhibited outstanding teamwork and won 2-0 against Bhaskar House. The final match, a nail-biting contest between Rohini House and Aryabhatt House, concluded with Rohini House emerging as the champion with a 1-0 Win, showcasing the remarkable talent and competitive spirit of our students. This event celebrated not only athletic prowess but also the values of teamwork and sportsmanship, reflecting the ethos of Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham.

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Diya Decoration Activity

In order to bring out the creative talents of learners and celebrate the Festival of Lights in its true spirit, the Diya Decoration Activity for Nursery to KG II was organised at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham on November 1, 2023. The children enthusiastically took part and came up with some very interesting ideas. They displayed their creativity by beautifully decorating Diyas with colours and glitters. It was an absolute pleasure and a great experience for all our Sagarites. They also learnt about the significance of lighting Diyas on Deepawali.

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दशहरा उत्सव

दशहरा उत्सव विजयादशमी ने दिया, हम सबको उपहार। अच्छाई के सामने, गयी बुराई हार।। मनसा-वाचा-कर्मणा, सत्य रहे भरपूर। नेक नीति हो साथ में, बाधाएँ हों दूर।। विजयादशमी के पावन त्योहार के माध्यम से संदेश देते हुए "सागर पब्लिक स्कूल" द्वारका धाम में दिनांक- 21 अक्टूबर, 2023 को दशहरा उत्सव मनाया गया। जिसमें कक्षा -तीसरी और चौथी के नन्हे बच्चों ने भाग लेकर असत्य पर सत्य,अधर्म पर धर्म, बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का संदेश दिया। छात्रों ने नाटिका के द्वारा दशहरे के पर्व एवं दस प्रकार के पापों जैसे काम, क्रोध, लोभ, अहंकार, आलस्य, हिंसा और चोरी आदि अवगुणों से सदैव दूर रहने की प्रेरणा प्राप्त की।छात्रों ने नाटिका का आनंद लेते हुए , भारतीय संस्कृति के मूल्यों को समझा। बुराई को हमेशा के लिए त्याग देने का संकल्प लेते हुए अच्छे गुणों को ग्रहण किया।

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Spellathon Competition

Spellathon gains incredible language based on knowledge and literacy skills. To know how to spell is important for writing, reading and is the most useful skill which builds the basic foundation of the education journey of the learner and to enrich the vocabulary, pronunciation and understanding of words. "Spellathon Competition" held at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham, was a resounding success. Students from classes I and II showcased their exceptional spelling skills. The events featured multiple rounds, challenging participants with increasingly difficult words. The objective of the competition was to enhance the spelling and literary skills of children by encouraging them to explore the English language, expand their vocabulary and improve their communication and comprehension skills.

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Vedic Mathematics workshop

On October 14, 2023, Sagar Public School in Dwarka Dham hosted an enlightening Vedic Mathematics workshop to introduce students to the world of Vedic Mathematics, explore mathematical sutras, and enhance their problem-solving skills. Students actively engaged in hands-on activities, discovering the practical application and efficiency of these ancient techniques, marking a significant stride in nurturing their mathematical skills and enduring enthusiasm for the subject.

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Little Ambitions

Sensitising students about community helpers is crucial. These individuals play vital roles in our daily lives, reminding us of our interconnectedness in a community. Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, organised the "Little Ambitions" class activity for Nursery to Kg II students. They dressed as doctors, nurses, firefighters, policemen, teachers, bakers, and more, highlighting the contributions of community helpers. This activity aimed to stimulate imagination and enhance social development skills, fostering confidence and respect for those who make our lives easier with their valuable services.

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Fancy Dress competition

The enthusiastic students of Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham brought glory to the school by participating in the sixth annual event "Tiranga" hosted by Ivy Global School. This event was a heartfelt celebration of India and a tribute to our real heroes. Anaya from KG II B secured the 2nd place in the Fancy Dress competition. Advait Tomar from KG I clinched the 1st place, and Urjit Pandey from KG II stood 2nd in the colouring competition. Manika from II A achieved the 3rd place, while Shivay Tiwari from I A secured 2nd place in the 'Word Search.' Naisha Khandelwal from III C earned the 3rd place in the storytelling competition. Virat Singh from VI B stood 2nd in the solo dance competition.

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Inter School Soliloquy Competition

Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham applauds Kashish Tiwari from Class VIII, Prachi Jaipuriya, and Razi Haseeb Khan from Class VII for their outstanding performance in the Inter School Soliloquy Competition held at Iconic School, Bhopal. It was their debut on a big stage, and they captivated the audience with their impressive oratory skills. This event marks the start of their exciting journey, and we look forward to many more milestones in the future.

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Be A Reporter Competition

Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, organized, "Be A Reporter Competition" for students in classes III to V on October 11, 2023, with the aim of nurturing their public speaking skills. The event provided a platform for young students to develop confidence in articulating their thoughts and expressing themselves effectively. The event was marked by some remarkable performances, with students displaying exceptional speaking skills and an impressive grasp of their chosen topics.

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Celeatial Awards 2023-24

The Celeatial Awards 2023-24 at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham celebrated student achievements beyond academics. Students in Classes I to VIII received awards for Best Turn Out, Most Regular, Most Enthusiastic, and Best Communicator. These badges symbolized dedication and excellence, emphasizing that success goes beyond academics.

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I Do I Discover

Inspired by the thought, Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham organised "I Do I Discover" for classes 1 and 2. The interactive session on air, its properties, and importance was given to enhance the understanding of the Earth's atmosphere and its vital role in sustaining life and the environment. The aim was to engage the students in hands-on activities and discussions to deepen their knowledge of air properties. Kids love working with these fantastic yet basic concepts; there is nothing like watching their eyes light up as they discover and understand something new about science.

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Matific Leader

Matific Leader of the Month awards were given to students in classes III to VI at Sagar Public School, Dwarka, recognizing their excellence in using the Matific mathematics software, promoting a culture of active mathematics learning.

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Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)

At Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham, we firmly believe that the Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) serves as an essential cornerstone in the holistic development of our students. It provides a powerful platform for enhancing the invaluable partnership between parents and teachers. On October 7, 2023, PTM-III was organised at school, bringing together parents and teachers to engage in meaningful conversations and collaborative efforts. The primary focus was on nurturing the growth and well-being of our students from Nursery to Class VIII. Additionally, a special Orientation programme was meticulously organized to familiarise parents with the school's future vision and their pivotal role in shaping their child's future.

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Gandhi Jayanti

The young Sagarites of KG II presented a wonderful class assembly on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, they not only emphasized on the teachings of Bapu but also delivered the message to live life with simplicity. The assembly showcased the values and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi through a mesmerizing song and dance performance.

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Inter SPS Swimming Championship

The Inter SPS Swimming Championship, a spectacular showcase of aquatic prowess, unfolded at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, where participants from six branches came together to celebrate the spirit of competitive swimming. This mega event, hosted with great enthusiasm and anticipation, brought forth a wave of excitement that resonated throughout the school community. Several standout performances left spectators in awe. These athletes displayed exceptional talent and dedication, setting new records and inspiring their fellow competitors. The Inter SPS Swimming Championship was more than just a competition,it was a celebration of athleticism, teamwork, and the indomitable spirit of young athletes. Medals and certificates were awarded to the deserving winners, recognizing their exceptional swimming skills. The individual championship results were as follows: - U10 Boys: SPSRN - U10 Girls: SPSDD - U12 Boys: SPSRN - U12 Girls: SPSRN - U14 Boys: SPSSN - U14 Girls: SPSGN The overall trophy ???? was won by SPS Rohit Nagar, securing the Overall Championship Trophy.

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The Sagar Garba Utsav

With an unwavering dedication to fostering the invaluable bond between parents and their children, the school orchestrated a dazzling spectacle of unity and culture – “The Sagar Garba Utsav." This monumental event witnessed an astounding turnout, with over 1100 enthusiastic participants, transforming it into a true mega celebration of life and togetherness. This event stood as a radiant thread, a testament to the splendid partnership between Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham and its extended family of students, parents, and teachers. Every soul present in the event felt the magic in the air as they adorned themselves in vibrant traditional attire, ready to embark on a journey of mesmerizing dance performances and groove to the rhythms of live music. The Sagar Garba Utsav was not just a celebration; it was a spectacular show, an affirmation of the school's unwavering dedication to creating a brighter, more connected future for all.

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Javelin Throw Competition

With the thought in mind our young Sagarites learnt to aim high by enthusiastically participating in Foam Javelin Throw Competition organised by Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham on September 20, 2023. The Sagarites not only learnt the skill but importance of sports in their life. The competition was concluded by certificate distribution and appreciation of efforts put in by Sagarites.

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Engineering Day

To nurture creativity, imagination and to build confidence in students an assembly was presented by the students, of Class 1A of Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham on September 15th, 2023. The tiny tots were full of enthusiasm as they became different engineers and enthralled everyone with their amazing performances. Such events allow them to grow the seeds of confidence. The young ones used the stage to hone and express their talent while speaking a few lines about their characters. Their informative speech on the stage and presence won the heart of one and all.

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हिंदी दिवस

"जन-जन की भाषा हैं हिंदी, भारत की आशा है हिंदी ।  जिसने पूरे देश को जोड़ रखा है, वो मज़बूत धागा है हिंदी।" सागर पब्लिक स्कूल, द्वारका धाम में दिनांक 14/09/23 को हिंदी दिवस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया । जिसमें छोटे-छोटे बच्चों ने बड़े ही हर्षोल्लास के साथ भक्तिकालीन कवियों की रचनाएं सुनाते हुए सभी को मंत्र -मुग्ध कर दिया। इस कार्यक्रम में कक्षा - पहली से पांचवी तक के छात्रों ने भाग लिया। इस अवसर पर कविता के साथ-साथ बच्चों ने गायन की भी प्रस्तुति दी। छात्रों द्वारा कवि सम्मेलन का भी आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें अलग-अलग रस से संबंधित कवियों ने अपनी- अपनी प्रस्तुति देकर इस कार्यक्रम की शोभा बढ़ाई। छात्रों द्वारा राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की 'नर हो न निराश करो मन को' प्रसिद्ध रचना पर नृत्य की प्रस्तुति के माध्यम से लोगों में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार करते हुए हिंदी भाषा की सर्वोच्चता बनाए रखने हेतु उत्साहवर्धन किया। अंत में विद्यालय की प्राचार्या महोदया ने हिंदी दिवस पर हिंदी भाषा के महत्व एवं हिंदी भाषा के संवर्धन हेतु अपने विचार व्यक्त करते हुए सभा का समापन किया।

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श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी उत्सव

‘वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचाणूरमर्दनम्। देवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरूम्।।’ 'सागर पब्लिक स्कूल, द्वारका धाम, भोपाल में 'श्रीकृष्ण जन्माष्टमी' का उत्सव कक्षा- नर्सरी से तीसरी के बाल-गोपालों द्वारा दिनाँक- 6 सितम्बर, 2023 को बड़े ही हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया । विभिन्न गतिविधियों के माध्यम से छात्रों ने भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की शिक्षाओं और सिद्धांतों जैसे धार्मिकता और भक्ति के महत्व को सीखा | इस उत्सव के माध्यम से एकता,प्रेम और सम्मान की भावना को बढ़ावा दिया, जिससे उत्सव की स्थायी यादें बन गई| पूरा विद्यालय श्रीकृष्ण की आराधना में डूब गया | विद्यार्थियों ने झांकी एवं लीला के माध्यम से भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के जन्मोत्सव को प्रेम,श्रद्धा, उत्साह और आनंद के साथ दर्शाया और कृष्ण के रंग में रंग गए | उत्सव का समापन भव्य आरती से हुआ |

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Aspire Session

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham hosted an ASPIRE TALK session featuring Ms. Ashi Chouksey, a member of the prestigious M.P. Shooting Academy, who has achieved remarkable success at the World Cup. She secured a coveted Gold medal in the fiercely competitive 50m rifle three-position mixed event alongside her partner, Mr. Swapnil. Her remarkable journey, including a triumphant win at the junior World Cup in Germany, as well as national-level achievements with one gold and one silver medal in the Khelo India University Games held in Bengaluru, and two gold and two silver medals in the National Shooting Championship, left an indelible impact on the inquisitive Sagarites, instilling in them the power of vision and the determination to pursue it relentlessly.

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Teachers' Day

Teachers' Day at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, erupted with a blazing fervour that set the atmosphere ablaze! It was an electrifying celebration, sparking deep appreciation that could be felt in every corner of the school. The highlight of the day was an exceptional skit that sent shockwaves of inspiration throughout the audience. The Dance and Music department unleashed a whirlwind of talent with a series of mesmerizing performances that had the audience on the edge of their seats. It was a symphony of emotions and rhythm that resonated deep within the hearts of everyone present. In a moment that will forever be etched in our memories, our esteemed Madam Principal delivered a poignant message, recognizing the tireless dedication of our teachers in shaping the brilliant future of our students. The event was a harmonious collaboration between students and educators, crafting an unforgettable and awe-inspiring spectacle that will be cherished by all.

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Dazzle The Fancy Dress Competition

To nurture creativity, imagination, and build confidence, Dazzle The Fancy Dress Competition was organized by Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham from classes Nursery to KG-ll. The tiny tots were full of enthusiasm as they became different characters and enthralled us with their colourful attires. The competition allowed them to grow their seeds of confidence. The young ones used the stage to hone and express their talent while speaking a few lines about their character. Their innocent words on the stage and their presence won the hearts of the audience and judges. The mesmerized show came to an end with everyone's efforts being appreciated. The competition proved to be a great learning experience and a platform to explore children hidden talents.

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Aspire Session

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham became the crucible of inspiration as the coveted Aspire Session unfolded, featuring the distinguished resource person, Ms. Kaneez Zehra Razavi. With an eulustrious 46-year career spanning teaching, training, print and publishing, TV documentaries, film production, travel, trade, and NGOs, she stands as a true polymath. A trailblazing founder of the Indian Copy Editors Forum and a pivotal member of Club Litteratti, Ms. Razavi graced the event, sharing invaluable insights with the eager Sagarites. Through her discourse, she vividly illuminated the multifaceted avenues that language expertise can pave, extending far beyond conventional roles of teaching and writing.

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Inter House Badminton Competition

Celebrating National Sports Day on August 28, 2023, Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham paid tribute to Major Dhyan Chand's. Through Inter House Badminton Competition, students demonstrated skills and teamwork, learning essential life lessons. Beyond victory, the event focused on perseverance and cooperation. Winners received certificates, while the Principal, Madam Arti Khillan emphasized sports' ability to shape individuals, reflecting Major Dhyan Chand's inspirational journey.

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77th Independence Day

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with immense patriotic fervor and enthusiasm at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham. The celebration began with the traditional flag hoisting ceremony amidst the resonating tunes of the national anthem. The atmosphere was filled with patriotism as the school choir and music group presented a medley of soul-stirring patriotic dance and song. Following the musical tribute, the students of Aryabhatta House took center stage with a captivating and informative assembly on the historic "Quit India Movement." The assembly aimed to educate and inspire the school community about this significant chapter in India's struggle for independence. The 77th Independence Day celebration at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, was a vibrant and thought-provoking event. It not only honoured the nation's freedom but also reminded everyone of the sacrifices made by our forefathers.

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Shape your Imagination

A class activity, shape your Imagination was conducted for our dear Junior Sagarites in which they had to use their imagination to create shapes into objects. Children enjoyed the activity and they got to learn a lot from each other.

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Rhetoric Rumble - A Speech Competition

Rhetoric Rumble a speech competition was organized on August 9, 2023, with utmost enthusiasm, where young orators of classes VI to VIII stepped into the spotlight to address the pertinent issues that affect us all.

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The Annual Spectrum Exhibition

The Annual Spectrum exhibition, Imaginex, held at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham on 28th July 2023, was a remarkable showcase of creativity and learning. Students displayed a myriad of models representing the diverse applications of mathematics and fascinating scientific experiments. The Mathematical Dance of Angles was appreciated by one and all. The Mathematics Museum left everyone spellbound, receiving immense appreciation from all. Equally captivating were the displays by pre-primary and primary students, who presented the cultures of the seven continents, making it an educational and cultural treat. The fairy tale exhibition added a touch of magic to the event, leaving parents and attendees delighted. Overall, the exhibition was a grand success, fostering a love for learning and inspiring young minds to explore the wonders of science, mathematics, and world cultures.

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Breaking the boundaries of conventional education and unlocking the true potential of young minds. "Spellathon," the highly captivating spelling competition was organized, leaving everyone present spellbound. The organizers had meticulously crafted a series of rounds that challenged the participants' linguistic abilities. From the seemingly simple to the confoundingly complex, the words chosen to test the young minds were an amalgamation of the familiar and the obscure, stretching their cognitive boundaries. Cheers of admiration echoed throughout as Aryabhatta House emerged victorious, basking in the glory of their linguistic conquest. The event had not only kindled a passion for words but also sown the seeds of a lifelong love with language, reminding us of all that the limits of our language are truly the limits of our minds.

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Counselling Session

On 26th July 2023, Ms. Pankhuri, the school counsellor of Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham, Bhopal, conducted an impactful counselling session for students of Classes VI, VII, and VIII, focusing on the crucial aspect of remaining focused in their academics. Through interactive discussions and activities, Ms. Pankhuri emphasized the significance of active listening, time management, and setting realistic goals. The session also addressed coping with distractions and peer pressure. The students left with renewed motivation for their academic journey.

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Rohini House Assembly

Rohini House at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham presented a captivating Assembly on the remarkable life of Nelson Mandela, titled 'A Long Walk to Freedom.' Through a brilliantly executed skit, the students portrayed Mandela's arduous journey and his relentless fight against the oppressive apartheid regime. This enlightening performance proved to be an invaluable learning experience for all those involved, showcasing the profound influence one individual can have on the world.

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Inter House Table Tennis Competition

The Inter House Table Tennis Competition for boys and girls of classes 6th to 8th was held at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham on 19th July 2023. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and excitement as the young participants from Bhasker, Aryabhatt, and Rohini houses showcased their talent and sportsmanship. In the boys' category, Prashant Jethani of Bhasker House emerged as the winner, while Arham Darda of Aryabhatt House secured the runner-up position. In the girls' category, Kashish Tiwari of Aryabhatt House emerged victorious, and Sugra Batool of Rohini House became the runner-up. The winners were acknowledged and awarded certificates for their exceptional performances. The event celebrated not only sporting excellence but also the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance among the students, encouraging them to further develop their skills and passion for sports.

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Inter-House Yoga Competition

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham hosted an Inter-House Yoga competition on 12th July 2023 where students from Classes IV to VIII had participated. Students showcased their talent through various asanas and the invigorating Surya Namaskar sequence. Rohini House emerged as winner, with the Bhasker House securing second place. This event promoted physical well-being, mindfulness, and a healthy competitive spirit among the participants.

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English Creative Writing Competition

English Creative Writing Competition was organized at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham, Bhopal on July 12, 2023, wherein all the students of classes III – V participated with zeal and enthusiasm and displayed their creativity and thinking skills in their writings. This competition was one out of the numerous enjoyable competitions that gave students a platform to learn how to express their ideas and views in different ways. This competition helped students improve their spellings, increase their vocabulary, learn concepts, and develop use of correct English. Students gave full expression to their creative ideas and penned them down in form of beautiful essays and poems.

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Sagarathon- A Marathon

Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham took a remarkable initiative Sagarathon-a marathon dedicated to running for the environment on July 9, 2023.A wide array of activities were organized to keep the participants engaged and pumped up. From energetic Zumba sessions to thrilling football matches, there was something for everyone. A whopping 247 runners enthusiastically took part in the marathon, showcasing their commitment to the cause. To honour the exceptional efforts of the participants, the first 100 winners were rewarded with well-deserved medals. But that's not all! Every single participant was also given saplings and jute bags, symbolizing their dedication to promoting a greener and healthier environment for future generations. The event was graced by the presence of three esteemed guests who added a touch of prestige to the occasion. Ms. Jyoti Ratre, a renowned Mount Everest climber at the age of 50, inspired everyone with her incredible achievements. Mr. Ajay Piryani, a legendary marathon runner who has conquered numerous races across the nation, shared his wisdom and experience and Dr. Renu Adlakha, a renowned social activist with over two decades of impactful work joined the cause as the brand ambassadors of Mother Nature. Adding to the excitement, two prestigious football clubs brought their expertise to the matches. The Hazrat Nizamuddin Fans Club showcased their exceptional skills and were rewarded with a well-deserved trophy and medals for their splendid performance. Overall, the event was brimming with excitement and enthusiasm, offering a plethora of engaging activities and delectable refreshments for all attendees, leaving everyone thrilled and exhilarated.

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A Puppet Show

A puppet show was organized by the Pre-Primary teachers, on Happiness of eating chocolates along with taking care of oral hygiene, thus indulging children in the world of chocolates. A selfie corner was made for children to restore the memories of the day. Children enjoyed and had a great time celebrating the Chocolate Day with a big smile.

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Advertisement Making Competition

Sagar Public School has organised Advertisement Making Competition on 6th July 2023 for our young Sagarites who dressed up as chocolate, sanitizer, hand-wash, milk, butter, T.V and many more and advertised it by singing innovative and melodious jingles????. Students participated with full zeal and gusto as their performance was full of confidence and enthusiasm.

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English Poem Recitation Competition

It is the core of literature. To spread the fragrance of poetry amongst the students, an 'English Poem Recitation Competition' was organized for classes 1 and 2 on 5th July 2023. Our young Sagarites enjoyed the beauty of expression, thought, feeling, rhyme, rhythm and the music of words. Students showcased their oratory skills with confidence, actions and theme-based props.

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"Foundation Day" celebrated on 1st July 2023 & the Investiture Ceremony 2023-24

"Leadership is the art of providing people with a platform to spread ideas that work" Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, commemorated a momentous occasion on July 1, 2023, as it joyfully celebrated its Investiture Ceremony and 2nd Foundation Day. The prestigious event was graced by the presence of Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Navneet Dhillion as the esteemed chief guest, accompanied by Dr. Jaishree Kanwar, the esteemed Director of SPS Schools, who served as the guest of honour. With great anticipation and reverence, the deserving students were bestowed with their respective designations during the ceremony, aligning their roles and responsibilities with their exceptional expertise. In a pledge to wholeheartedly serve the school's best interests, each office bearer solemnly took an oath, promising unwavering dedication and commitment.

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International Yoga Day celebrated @ SPS Dwarka Dham

Yoga is the ultimate practice. It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quietens our overactive minds. Sagar Public School in Dwarka Dham celebrated National Yoga Day on June 21, 2023, with a special assembly. The event aimed to highlight the importance of yoga and its benefits. The assembly focused on various aspects of yoga, including asanas, pranayama, and meditation. Yogacharya Shri Chitranjan Soni, a renowned yoga expert, conducted an inspiring Aspire session. His remarkable work in the field of yoga and global promotion served as a source of motivation for the participants. The celebration successfully created awareness about yoga and its positive impact on physical and mental well-being. The event emphasized the need to incorporate yoga into daily routines for a healthier lifestyle.

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Rope skipping Association MP conducted Rope Skipping workshop @ SPS Dwarka Dham

Rope skipping is not just a sport; it's a metaphor for life. Each jump represents an opportunity to rise above challenges. The Rope Skipping Association of Madhya Pradesh organized a workshop at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, on June 19, 2023. The workshop aimed to promote rope skipping and enhance sports teachers' skills. Shailesh Shukla, President of DPI Sports & Cultural Coordination Committee, MP, and Anoop Neware, Chairman of the MP Rope Skipping Promotion Board, shared their expertise. Skilled players, including an international gold medalist and a national gold medalist who serve as Rope Skipping National Judges and coaches, provided practical demonstrations. The workshop successfully promoted rope skipping and enhanced the skills of sports teachers by combining insightful sessions from Mr. Shukla and Mr. Neware with practical demonstrations by skilled players.

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Culmination of Academic Camp @ SPS Dwarka Dham

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham recently organized a ten days Academic Camp, specifically designed for new admissions. The purpose of this camp was to help students strengthen their core concepts in all subjects and cover the material taught in the past months. This initiative by the school was a great way to assist children in keeping up with the ongoing syllabus in their classes. Overall, the Academic Camp was a resounding success, with students reporting significant improvements in their academic performance and confidence levels. It was a testament to the school's commitment to providing high-quality education and support to its students.

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Remarkable achievements of the Sagarites of SPS Dwarka Dham at 13th Open Bhopal Skating Championship 2023-24

We are delighted to share the remarkable achievements of the Sagarites from SPS Dwarka Dham in the 13th Open Bhopal Skating Championship 2023-24, held on June 10th and 11th, 2023. Divyansh Sahu of Class III secured a silver medal. Aarav Singh Yadav of Class VI earned 2 gold medals. Madhur Sitlani of Class VI achieved 1 gold and 1 silver medal. Virat Sahu of Class VI won 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. Hardik Asnani of Class VII received 1 bronze medal. Money Shukla of Class VII also earned 1 bronze medal. Congratulations to all students for their commendable achievements! Your hard work, dedication, and passion have paid off. Keep striving for excellence and may you continue to achieve great success in all your future endeavors.

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Summer Camp @ spsdwarkadham

Glimpses Of the Summer Camp A fun and learning experience altogether at SPS Dwarka Dham

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Beat the heat @spsdwarkadham

Summer is a season of refreshment, and what better way to beat the heat than with a healthy treat! Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, conducted the "Beat the Heat" Mocktail and Fruit Salad Competition for all classes on the last day of school before summer vacation on April 29, 2023. The competition aimed to encourage students to create healthy and refreshing drinks and snacks to beat the heat. Students from all classes participated enthusiastically, and the competition was judged based on taste, presentation, originality, and nutritional value. The event was a great success, and the students enjoyed being with each other, sharing and tasting each other's creations. The activity provided a platform for students to showcase their creativity, culinary skills, and healthy lifestyle choices. The event was a great way to end the academic year, and the students left for their summer vacation with memories of a fun-filled and exciting event.

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English Day

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" These words of wisdom from the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare hold immense significance in our lives. To celebrate the importance of the English language and to learn from the timeless lessons of Shakespeare, English Day was celebrated at school with great zeal. The theme of the event was "Wisdom of the Bard", and the students did an excellent job of justifying it through their electrifying music and dance performances. They portrayed the iconic characters of Shakespeare with exceptional acting skills, reviving the immortal characters of his plays, including "The King Lear". The esteemed guest of the event, Dr. Samreen Khan, Senior Head Mistress, SPS Gandhi Nagar, highly appreciated all the participants for their outstanding performances. It was a spectacular show and a fitting tribute to the greatest playwright who has left an indelible mark on the world of literature.

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Cleanliness is the Hallmark of perfect Standards, and the best quality inspector is the conscience. The ASPIRE program organized on the topic cleanliness on 26th April 2023 for students from classes V to VIII. The session was conducted by Dr. Usha Khare, the brand ambassador of the Municipal Corporation for cleanliness. The aim of the session was to educate the students about the importance of Cleanliness and proper waste management. Dr. Khare explained the concept of waste segregation and the different ways in which waste can be disposed of. She also shared some real-life examples to help the students understand the impact of improper waste management. The session was interactive, and the students actively participated in the session. On this occasion, the students were also encouraged to take a pledge to maintain cleanliness and spread awareness about waste management and to educate at least 20 people about waste management. They were given practical tips on how to educate people in their communities and were asked to report back on their progress. The program was a great success, and the students gained valuable insights into the significance of cleanliness and proper waste disposal.

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Sagar Public School, Dwarkadham Bhopal conducted it's 1st PTM for the session 2023-24 on Friday April 21, 2023. The parents participated enthusiastically.They were informed about all the upcoming events and different activities which will be conducted in the coming session. An energetic Judo display by the students was appreciated by All. The school magazine "Tides" was also distributed to the parents. Overall it was a very fruitful and result oriented PTM.

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Inter House Shot Put Competition

In order to facilitate an overall development and to emphasize physical fitness, Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham organised an Interhouse Shotput Competition on Wednesday 19th April 2023. In Junior boys, Md.Jawwad of Rohini House stood first and in junior girls, Manya Patel of Bhaskar House bagged the first position. In Senior ,Vivan Awasthi of Pratham house and Nihushri of Rohini house stood first in the boys and girls categories respectively. Overall it was an interesting and engaging competition.

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Fun in the Sun

Keeping this in mind SPS Dwarka Dham organised Pool activities - "Fun in the Sun" for young Sagarites of class Nursery - III. Sagarities enjoyed Aqua zumba on peppy beats in the pool, Followed by different games played in the water. After which our Sagarites relished energy drink to stay hydrated and full of energy. Children enjoyed their hearts out in the coolness of water.

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Aspire Session

The budding photographers of Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham were privileged to attend a photography workshop at SPS, Saket Nagar. The guest speaker for the event was none other than Mr. Vicky Roy, a renowned international photographer whose work has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world. Mr. Roy conducted two sessions, each one more enlightening than the last. The theme for the first session was centered around the idea that every photograph has a story, and every photographer has a story as well. The students were captivated by Mr. Roy's personal journey, which was filled with struggles and hardships, but ultimately led to his hard-earned achievements. Overall, the workshop was a resounding success, leaving the students with a newfound appreciation for the art of photography and the power it holds to capture the essence of our world in ways that words simply cannot.

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Educational Excursion

On 29 March 2023, the students of Classes VII and VIII of Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham visited the "Fauji Mela" event at MVM College Ground, Bhopal. The students were thrilled to witness various activities such as equipment display, army band.The students were able to see the latest technology and equipment used by the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force. The students were amazed by the discipline and dedication of the army personnel. Overall, the visit was an enriching experience for the students as they got an opportunity to learn about the Indian Army and its contribution to the nation. The students returned to the school with a sense of pride and gratitude towards the country's defence forces.

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First Day In School

We welcomed our young Sagarities of classes Nursery - III with sparkling smile and distributing sweets which doubled their happiness. After which a special assembly was presented by the teachers to welcome the students. The day was filled with singing, dancing and lots of fun filled activities. They also enjoyed scrumptious healthy meal with their peers and teachers. The colourful Photo Booth was the cherry on top as not only our Sagarities but their parents also took pictures with them as the memories of first day of their ward's school that they will cherish forever

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Special Assembly on Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

The students of Class VI B at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham, presented a captivating class assembly on the topic, "The Journey of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar." The assembly began with a prayer, followed by enchanting Sanskrit shlokas that set the tone for the rest of the presentation. The students presented a skit that depicted the life and journey of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Through their performance, the students conveyed a powerful message that problems and difficulties are inevitable in life, but it is our choices and responses to those problems that make all the difference. The skit also highlighted the significance of education in our lives. The students of Class VI B did an outstanding job of bringing Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's journey to life and conveying an important message to their peers. Overall, it was a great learning experience for everyone involved.

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Glimpse of Skill Enrichment Camp

The future belongs to those, who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways . Have a glimpse of the ongoing fun filled program for Sagarites @ Skill Enrichment camp, SPS Dwarka Dham , where they can hone their skills in six different sports and seven aesthetic events.

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When parents and educators work together, the possibilities for children are endless. On March 18, 2023, Sagar Public School in Dwarka Dham conducted the closing ceremony of Skill Enrichment camp followed by its final Parent-Teacher Meeting for the academic year. Parents were invited to come and collect their child's report card and discuss their progress with the respective teachers. During the PTM, parents had the opportunity to go through their child's answer sheets and collect their report cards. The PTM was a great success, with parents expressing their satisfaction with the progress of their child. They were appreciative of the efforts of the teachers and the school in ensuring the overall development of their child. Students are all set to begin the new academic session starting on March 20, 2023.

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Skill Enrichment Camp

When parents and educators work together, the possibilities for children are endless. On March 18, 2023, Sagar Public School in Dwarka Dham conducted the closing ceremony of Skill Enrichment camp followed by its final Parent-Teacher Meeting for the academic year. Parents were invited to come and collect their child's report card and discuss their progress with the respective teachers. During the PTM, parents had the opportunity to go through their child's answer sheets and collect their report cards. The PTM was a great success, with parents expressing their satisfaction with the progress of their child. They were appreciative of the efforts of the teachers and the school in ensuring the overall development of their child. Students are all set to begin the new academic session starting on March 20, 2023

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Activity On Healthy Food

The introduction of fruits was taken to create awareness among children about the importance of fruits for good health. Children were involved in an array of activities including colouring, games, and recognizing through flashcards/ real ones. children learned the fruit songs with great zest and enthusiasm. each day was dedicated to different fruit activities. Children relished yummy fresh fruit salad along with their friends. All the children were found positive on the fact that fruits are better than junk Food.

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In honor of the beloved author Beverly Cleary's birth anniversary, and to prioritize reading time, Classes I-VIII celebrated D.E.A.R Day (Drop Everything And Read) on April 12, 2023. The students delved into the magical world of stories and imagination through their chosen books, which included picture books, a wide variety of genres, nonfiction, fantasy, and comics. The young Sagarites were enthusiastic about this Drop Everything And Read time, and each of them enjoyed reading with their teachers. The teachers were delighted to witness the students' enjoyment and sharing of their reading experiences. Overall, the event was a resounding success, with every Sagarite and teacher participating with full zeal and enthusiasm."

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Parent Orientation Program

When parents, teachers, and students work together, learning becomes a team sport. Sagar Public School in Dwarka Dham organized a parent orientation program on March 11, 2023, to inform parents about the school system and its unique features. The program included a briefing by the section incharges of the primary, pre-primary, and middle sections. They explained the assessments and policies of their respective sections and how the school ensures a conducive learning environment for the students. The school principal, Ms. Arti Khillan, provided an overview of the school's vision, mission, and core values. The program also included a session on parenting by the school director, Dr. Jaishree Kanwar, who provided practical tips on building self-esteem in children, and nurturing their emotional and social skills. Additionally, the school's IT head demonstrated the information management system ENTAB, which allows parents to access their child's academic performance, attendance records, and other important information. The program ended with parents sharing their feedback and suggestions on how the school could provide better opportunities for the students.

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Graduation Ceremony

Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham held its Kindergarten Graduation Day for the session 2022-23. It was a joyful occasion where families, teachers and administrators came together to celebrate the achievements of the young children. The smart and tiny tots of KGll dressed in Graduation robes and caps marched in a row along with their class teachers followed by the distribution of graduate diplomas along with a photoshoot. The formal program concluded with dance and music performed by KGII students which was appreciated by all gathered. Our chief guest, Ms. Nureen Arshad, Director of Seedling school and Principal Ma'am, addressed and complimented the graduates on their achievements. May God bless our tiny 'graduates' as they continue their education in the main stream of the school.

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National Science Day

To inculcate the spirit of scientific enquiry and to foster the critical thinking in our young Sagarites, SPS Dwarka Dham celebrated National Science Day on February 28, 2023. The day started with a special assembly and Science pledge.A plethora of activities like Science relay races, drawing competition and project displays were some of the highlights. An ASPIRE session by Dr.Rakesh Arya was the icing on the cake wherein children asked and satisfied their scientific queries. Overall, it was a day full of activities contributing in building up the scientific temperament of our students.

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Celestial Award

The Celestial Award Ceremony was held at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham for students in Classes I to VII. It aimed to recognize deserving students in categories Best Turnout, Enthusiast, Most Regular Sagarite, and Best Communicator. Best Turnout: awarded to students who consistently dressed neatly. Enthusiast: awarded to students who actively participated in school and extra-curricular activities. Most Regular Sagarite: awarded to students who consistently submitted their class and homework assignments. Communicator: awarded to students who demonstrated excellent communication skills in class discussions, presentations, and group projects. The ceremony served as an inspiration to students, encouraging them to strive for better and achieve more in the future.

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Assembly (The Great Scientists of India)

Students of Pratham House conducted an assembly on the topic "The Great Scientists of India" on July 8th, 2023, under the guidance of their House In-charge. Several notable Indian scientists were transported to the present day using a time machine, and the students shared motivational tales and notable scientific achievements of the scientists. The message of perseverance, dedication, and hard work was eloquently spread by the students. The assembly culminated with a rendition of the school anthem.

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Session (Getting Ready for Final Exams)

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela Ms. Pankhuri, the school counsellor at SPS, Dwarka Dham, conducted a session for the students of Class VI and VII on February 6th, 2023,.The topic of the session was "Getting Ready for Final Exams". During the session, important topics such as revision strategies, avoiding memory overload, and the importance of education in life were covered. The students were introduced to scientifically-based learning techniques and given the opportunity to ask questions.

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Science Olympiad

We become who we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is a habit rather than an act. Students from Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham competed in the IGKO and IEO Olympiads held by the Science Olympiad Foundation to demonstrate their expertise. We are delighted to announce that 5 of our kids managed to bag the following accolades, making the Sagar Public Schools fraternity immensely proud. 1. Hirdaan Singh- zonal Rank 30 ,School Rank 1 and Gold medal of Excellence. 2. Ashank Saxena- zonal Rank 78 ,School Rank 1 and Gold medal of Excellence. 3. Anayra Nair- International Rank 20 ,Zonal Rank 12,School Rank 1 and medal of Distinction, Certificate of Zonal Excellent,Gift worth Rs. 500/ 4.Manya Patel- Zonal Rank 162, School Rank 1 and Gold medal of Excellence. 5. Atharv Kushwaha- International Rank 58,Zonal Rank 37 and School Rank 1 and Gold medal of Excellence We congratulate our sagarites for their well-deserved success. Kudos to the winners and best wishes to continue their winning streak.

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Aspire Session

ASPIRE program was successfully conducted at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham on 1st, February 2023. Mrs. Shweta Rahul Bagul, a classical dancer and M.Tech in Computer Science with a Visharad in Bharatanatyam was the resource person. The school periodically organizes ASPIRE talks to encourage the students in various fields through the experts in their fields like Mrs. Bagul. During the program, Mrs. Bagul enlightened the students on the traditional Indian classical dance form Bharatanatyam and its cultural significance, as well as career opportunities in classical dance. The program was highly appreciated by the students for its unique educational value. We express our gratitude to Mrs. Bagul for her valuable contribution.

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Sagar Fitness

Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be. The Sagar #Fitness 2k23 held on January 29, 2023, aimed to spread awareness about the importance of fitness in society and featured a variety of sports competitions and #activities. These included yoga, a medical check-up camp, and a parenting session led by special educator Dr. Indu Singh. In addition, #Music, #Dance , #Drawing and #Fancydress competition was also held. To promote healthy eating habits, wholesome refreshments were served to all. Overall, the event was successful in raising awareness about the importance of fitness and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. It concluded with a Rocky performance by the Sagarites.

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A session on Maintaining Sanitation and personal hygiene

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live in." Jim Rohn A session on Maintaining Sanitation and personal hygiene was conducted for classes III-V at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham on Monday January 23 ,2023 by school counseller Ms.Pankhudi Garg. Such sessions intend to make them aware of the importance of personal hygiene in their lives. It was very interactive and fruitful and the children asked their queries very enthusiastically.

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Science Fiesta at Regional Science Centre

The students of Class V at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham recently visited the Science Fiesta event held at Regional Science Centre. They had the opportunity to learn about various science-related topics, including recycled paper, space planets, and vermicomposting. During the event, the students were able to learn about the importance of recycling paper and the process of how it is made. They also learned about the different planets in our solar system and their unique characteristics. The students also saw a demonstration of vermicomposting, which is a method of using worms to convert organic waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. Overall, the students had a great time at the Science Fiesta and were able to learn about various science-related topics in an interactive and hands-on way. Additionally, they were also awarded certificates for their participation in the event.

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Connecting Home and School Makes Us A Great Learner The fourth Parent Teacher Meet for classes Nursery - VII was held today at Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham, where parents were updated on the performance of their children. The meet provided an opportunity for parents to interact with teachers and discuss their child's strengths and areas for development, with a focus on holistic student development. The parents actively participated and provided valuable feedback and suggestions. Overall, the parent-teacher meet was a successful and meaningful event that allowed everyone to come together and work towards the common goal of supporting the growth and development of the students. It ended on a positive and productive note, with parents and teachers committed to collaborating and building a strong connection between home and school to ensure the best possible education for all students.

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Activity on Makar Sankranti

" Every day is a chance to begin again.Don't focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations" Sagar Public School,Dwarka Dham organised an activity for making kites with slogans for the students of classes Nur - V on Wednesday, 11th January 2023. This activity was conducted to celebrate Makar Sankranti which is a festival of new beginnings. All the students participated enthusiastically and the beautiful kites made by them were a real treat to the eyes.

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Educational Excursion

On January 3, 2023, students of Class III to Class VII from Sagar Public School in Dwarka Dham visited the Regional Science Center as an educational trip. The students were excited to explore the various exhibits and interactive displays at the center, including the planetarium, science gallery, and energy park. They also had the opportunity to attend a special presentation on the role of science in society and participated in hands-on experiments. In addition to the exhibits and activities, the students also enjoyed a picnic lunch on the center's outdoor patio, surrounded by beautiful gardens and nature. It was a great opportunity for them to relax and take in all that they had learned. Overall, the trip was a valuable and enjoyable learning experience for the students, who left with a greater understanding of the world around them and a renewed curiosity about the mysteries of science.

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Children’s Day Celebration

"Children are the best creation of God, they spread joy in every season." To acknowledge and appreciate the innocence of childhood, #SPS Dwarka Dham celebrated the Children's Day on 14th November 2022 in school premises. The colourful programme presented by Teachers was a perfect blend of entertainment as well as values depiction. The sweets were distributed to the children.

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Sagar Utsav

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate". Sagar Public School Dwarka Dham organized Sagar Utsav - A mega Diwali Fest, a get-together for parents in the presence of our esteemed chief guest Mrs. Asawari Okhade Playschool Owner Edumeta The I School and Mr. Shashi Keswani Chairman, Preety Petals Group of Foundation Schools. Sagar Utsav attracted parents, children and their families across the city to participate in the event. Magician AD was the focal attraction of all . Beautiful mothers and handsome fathers flaunted their style through their traditional ramp walk. The children enjoyed in the game zone, creative zone,horse and camel ride. The Malkhambh show thrilled the audience with its stupendous act.

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The third Parent Teacher Meeting in the academic session 2022-23 was conducted on October 15th 2022. The main purpose of the meet was to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to enrich the student’s educational experiences and to discuss various issues, regarding all round development of students. The PTM went off smoothly. Teachers also discussed with the parents the ways by which they can help their wards to excel in academics as well as in co-curricular activities. Parents interacted with activity teachers and discussed the field of interest of their children and their performance in it. A comprehensive feedback about each child's progress was given by the teachers. There was a mutual exchange of ideas and suggestions with an aim to work together to adorn the personality and academic performance of the students. The parents expressed their gratitude and appreciated the efforts being put in by the teachers towards the progress of their wards. Triathlon-2022 was organised as a parent engagement activity in which Parents participated enthusiastically. “Euphoria” the compilation of wonderful results of Sagar Public School for the session 2021 – 22 was distributed to the children

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Dussehra Celebration

"Dussehra is the festival which reminds us of the importance of Goodness, fighting injustice and following the path of righteousness" To inculcate and foster these virtues in children, SPS Dwarka Dham organised Dussehra Celebrations. Children participated enthusiastically in the program which was a perfect amalgamation of song, dance and skit. They presented the virtues of Lord Rama and the victory of good over evil by a small skit and a melodious group song followed by lovely garba dance performed by the students of class 4. The program was full of serenity and divine fervour and was much appreciated by all.

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Quizophile (Inter House Quiz Competition)

Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes us great.” It resonated everywhere when Sager Public School Dwarka Dham, organized an Inter house quiz competition ( Quizophile ) for the students of classes III-VII in the school Multi Activity Hall on September 28, 2022, in which the four different houses, with fervent participants in each house, gave a tough battle to each other in all three rounds. The aim of the competition was to test the learners’ knowledge about computers & Science. The students showcased their brilliance by rapidly answering the questions thus proving that they are keenly interested in such types of Mind Exercises and Activities that opens the brain & make it more productive for all kind of challenges.

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Aspire Session

"Life is not living, but living in health" Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham organised an Aspire session on Nutrition for the students of classes III to VII. It provide important tips on health and nutrition to all. The session was conducted by Dr.Dharna Reddy, Senior Consultant in Pediatrics Department, Mahaveer Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal. Dr.Reddy guided children to have a balanced diet full of macro and micronutrients. It was an interactive and informative session.

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A Session on Safety & Security

Sagar Public Schools are known for their endeavour of ensuring the safety and security of all the students. A session on Girls Safety and Security was conducted at Sagar Public School, Dwarka Dham on Saturday September,24,2022 for the girls of classes IV - VII. It was facilitated by Dr.Arshi Gouhar ,the School Counselor. A short movie on good touch and bad touch was shown and then the girls were guided how to ensure their safety and security by following some simple yet important measures.

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